Sunday 10 May 2015

Week 9 - Ernest Adams SWOT analysis


  • Ernest Adams is a Kiwi brand, and with a rising trend of consumers buying local brands this gives it strength against it's competitors.
  • Ernest Adams is cheaper than its competitor Farmbake. It remains in the accessible price category and appeals to anyone who considers price a strong factor in their shopping choices.
  • Ernest Adams is well established in the NZ market and who's products have been around since 1929. This builds trust with consumers, who are able to guarantee the product they are buying is of a consistent quality.

  • Ernest Adams isn't as well known as Farmbake.
  • Ernest Adams' price and packaging works against it, portraying it as a lower quality product than Farmbake.
  • Ernest Adams has no promotion in any form of media - tv, posters, website, or social media.

  • Ernest Adams can play on their Kiwi origins and use the "local" aspect of its brand to appeal to kiwis. 
  • With an increase of conscious consumption an opportunity would be to use environmentally friendly materials, honestly sourced ingredients, locally sourced ingredients, and overall brand transparency (disclosing all ingredients, nutritional facts etc).

  • As a result of conscious consumption, consumers pay more attention to what's in their food (as well as where it comes from, how it was made etc). Consumers may move away from eating sweet treats such as bagged biscuits as more and more information about things like sugar and fat are made public.

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