Wednesday 13 May 2015

Week 10 - Packaging development

Some developments of imagery and packaging.
Before Critique:

After Critique:
Some of our critique was to make the packaging more rustic and rough looking to combat the tension of boxed packaging looking too upmarket. To do this we added more texture to the image and chose a slab serif font (alfa slab one) which we though fit the rough aesthetic.

More critique we received told us that our design decisions weren't very obviously adhering to strong macro trends. We want our packaging to reflect the home-made, local, rustic feel to adhere to the macro trend of consumers wishing to buy local and familiar products, and we're trying to do that by using a rougher aesthetic with a printed, stamped look and type that is quite bold, and a name that sounds quite colloquial and informal. We want to use kiwi pride to build brand loyalty. We're also wishing to work with this macro trend by using kiwi-inspired flavours. Although this isn't by any means an original idea, we're hoping that using kiwi flavours with creative twists will give it the edge it needs to compete with Farmbake and distinguish itself from your everyday kiwi classic product, without alienating customers by making the flavours too 'out there'. Another Macro trend we're using to influence our final product is conscious consumption, making the packaging recyclable to make the product to at least appear more environmentally friendly than Farmbake, and designing the ingredients and nutritional information to be a feature of the packaging and not just small print on the back.

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